Friday, March 19, 2010

Ignorance is Dangerous

Over the last few weeks the news has been full of stories of Muslims doing crazy things. I am sure I don't need to mention any of the specifically for you to know what I am talking about.

Sometimes I wish I could stop the news broadcast and just explain that these people do not represent the true Islam. That they are acting on ignorance and misguidance, and that the majority of Muslims do not hold the same twisted views as these people in the story.

Ignorance is Dangerous. This statement, while at first may seem to apply to only those who act out violently, can also apply to those ignorant to their religion who are not violent. The same ignorance that can cause someone to think they should kill themselves to destroy and enemy, can also cause someone to deny a part of Islam. So while one is more physically dangerous than the other, they both have the same emotional and mental dangers.

If you meet a Muslim who does not pray, does not fast, does not follow sunnah, but yet thinks its their place in life to tell others to do the act like they do, you have met someone who is very dangerous. There are always going to be people that struggle with their deen, but know what is right and strive to get there. Then there are those who revel in their defiance and lash out at those who are doing their best to obey their creator. They not only spread the wrong message to other Muslims, but to non Muslims as well.

What is the solution to this dangerous ignorance? Knowledge. Not the kind of knowledge that we make up ourselves to fit out desires, but the kind that we can learn from the Quran and Sunnah. May Allah guide us all.


Ms M said...


I don't know what news you are talking about - perhaps I'm fortunate by the sounds of it. I agree though that the correct knowledge is so important.

jazain said... very true. not only the ignorance of the sinning muslim but the ignorance of the nonmuslim who targets innocent muslims for harrassment.

i just dont see this situation getting any better.

HijabRockers said...

hmmm.... i had a friend who is a recent convert. 2 weeks ago he was asking me the basic stuff about salat, quran and stuff like that. suddenly a couple of days ago he texted me askin if i know anyone who would help him to get to afghanistan to join the war. and i was like "WHAT?". He said I'm a kufar for not helping. Subhanallah. Knowledge IS crucial in Islam. Really. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched much news lately but I'm sure there's crazy stuff happening out there in the world. It's really sad.
You're right about ignorance being dangerous. Knowledge, the correct knowledge is very important.

Amira said...

Wa'alaikumusalam, Ameen. I completely agree with you.

jazain said...

nural. im afraid there is going to be more and more of this. lost souls using the NAME of Allah and islam for their own sinful ways.

Banana Anne said...

Subhanallah. The situation that Nurul described is very sad and frankly very scary. May ALLAH guide us all to do what is right, first improving our own character before commenting on others. And ALLAH is the True Judge, always and forever.

Mr. Apostate said...

You're right ignorance is dangerous! That's why we should all choose science, commonsense and reason over superstition and the imaginary gods preached by all religions.

Jamilah said...

Mr Apostate... I have chosen science and common sense, and I think that it is you who have chosen the imaginary god of your own feeble intelligence.

Razi Rizvi said...

Dear Sis Jamilah
Salaam on you.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said that, "The root of every goodness is knowledge and the root of every evil is ignorance."

Anonymous said...

Love your site!!!! I thought that my website will interest too as we are both very much into Islam. check it out and let me know.

Talk to you soon i hope.

Sweet Sharings said...

Thank you so much for sharing. It makes one think hard and strong on this and it's good advice to every muslim. Science and comman sense is all within Islam. :) JazekAllah Khair.