Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ignoring the Gift

Islam is a gift from Allah. He gives it to some of us at birth, others he guides to it later in life. Some never receive it.

What I wanted to write about today is people who ignore this gift. I'm sure we all know someone born into Islam that takes it for granted, that does not really practice but perhaps follows their culture instead. Sisters that don't cover, brothers that don't pray, parents that don't teach their children the deen. In a way this makes me sad and angry at the same time. They have been given the most precious gift in the world yet they mock it. How can you know about the truth of Islam and not want to do everything you can to please Allah? Perhaps its Shaytan whispering to them about the marvels of this world... perhaps its ignorance. Allah knows best.

Ignoring the gift is not exclusive to born Muslims either! Reverts can fall into the trap as well. As a revert I see Allah guiding me to Islam as the most beautiful thing of all. It is like my eyes were closed tight for 34 years and they were finally opened. Of course it takes time to learn and grow, but how can you see this truth and just take it half way? Once you start learning, don't look back. Have the strength and courage to leave the dunya behind and embrace your deen to the fullest.

We all make mistakes, we all need to learn and grow, but don't ignore this beautiful gift that Allah has given you. Take it, cherish it and love it. Obey your creator. Do what pleases him and leave what does not.


Sacrifice4Allah said...

Beautifully written and i agree with you! We all seem to take Islam for granted at some point in our lives. O Allah Guide us and have Mercy on us!

~ Muhasabah ~ said...

Assalamu'alaykum sister, this part of sentence you write is mean a lot :) :
"Once you start learning, don't look back. Have the strength and courage to leave the dunya behind and embrace your deen to the fullest."